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Privacy and Security

PetEco is committed to the transparency, privacy and security of its customers' data throughout the entire process of interacting with our platform. In order for you to better understand what information we collect and how we use, store or delete it, we detail our Privacy Policy below.

Customer registration data is not disclosed to third parties and is used only for our internal controls.

In order to facilitate the understanding of our Privacy Policy, we present a summary:

Data processing is done only by PetEco
Type of personal information collected: Name, Email, Address, Telephone, Date of Birth, CPF, how you found out about us.
For what purpose do we use your personal data?
This Policy covers PetEcor's treatment of information capable of identifying the individual when accessing and using the PetEco Site. PetEco thus provides the appropriate and necessary technical information so that it can, in advance, be aware of and agree with this Policy.
If the User or Customer does not agree with this Privacy Policy, they should not fill in the website with their personal information. Therefore, what is established in this document must be read carefully and, in case of doubt, direct contact with PetEco is possible.

Acceptance Condition:
When browsing the PetEco website, the user is agreeing to the “Terms of Use and Privacy Policy”, so that browsing and using the website represents the acceptance of these terms, especially in the collection of personal information. It is considered use of the website:
The) . Access and use the website in any way, including browsing, viewing, receiving and transmitting data, information and/or messages from the website; 2. Registration in newsletter, contact page and/or access page for content made available on the site.

1. Who does this Privacy Policy apply to?

Applies to all PetEco website users.

2. What kind of personal information do we collect and use?

Full name, email, gender, telephone, date of birth, CPF/CNPJ, receive news,
address and payment method.

3. Why do we request your personal data?

● Legitimate interest of the controller: under certain circumstances, it is possible that data will be collected to control PetEco   in the air about the accesses and range of its products.
● Execution of contract: for the purchase and delivery of products to be carried out, it is necessary that data such as name, address and telephone are collected, fulfilling what is strictly necessary for the contract signed between the parties.
● Credit protection: for administrative and management purposes, as once the CPF has been collected, it is possible to have a better administration regarding the payments made by the contracting party.
● Fraud prevention: fraud prevention will occur from the collection of the CPF of each customer at the time of registration, enabling greater management and prevention of fraudulent situations at the time of service.
● Regular exercise of rights: the data collected may be used to defend the controller in legal or administrative proceedings at any time.

Providing your data required at the time of registration allows you to:
● Comply with the contractual relationship for the purchase and sale of products.
● Send service status updates and promote communications about projects and potential meetings;
● Improve the customer experience at PetEco;
● Conduct analysis and market research;
● Keep the Customer informed about the products and services we offer;
● Run online advertising targeted to certain services;
● Prevent, detect and investigate activities that are in violation of our Code of Conduct or that are prohibited or illegal; improve our website, products and services.

4. Who do we share your data with?
Only internally.

5. How long do we store personal information?
The data collected is kept until the original purpose is reached, for another 5 years for defense in administrative or judicial proceedings.

6. What are the data subject's rights?
The LGPD defines that every natural person is assured the ownership of their personal data and guaranteed the fundamental rights of freedom, intimacy and privacy, in accordance with the precepts of the aforementioned law.
It is the right of the Personal Holder to request information from the Controller, at any time and upon request, about:
● confirmation of the existence of processing of your personal data;
● access to your personal data processed by the company;
● correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
● the anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or treated data in violation of the provisions of the LGPD (Law No. 13,709, of August 14, 2018);
● portability of data to another service or product provider, upon express request, which must comply with the regulations of the national authority, observing commercial and industrial secrets;
● public and private entities with which the controller carried out shared use of data;
● the possibility of not giving consent and the consequences of the refusal;
● the elimination of personal data processed with the consent of the holder, except in the cases provided for in art. 16 and items of the LGPD, whatever;
○ Compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation by the controller;
○ study by research body, guaranteeing, whenever possible, the anonymization of personal data;
○ transfer to a third party, provided that the data processing requirements set forth in this Law are respected; or
○ exclusive use by the controller, access by third parties is prohibited, provided that the data is anonymized.

7. How can the holder exercise his rights?

This procedure may be carried out by the holder of the personal data or by his legal representative.
The exercise of the rights arising from the LGPD may be carried out individually by the data subject or by his legal representative, also safeguarding the right to collective protection.
In case of impossibility of adopting an immediate measure to respond to the requests requested by the holder, we will send a response that informs what are the reasons in fact or in law that are causing this impediment, according to art. 18, § 4 of the LGPD.
The User may request the cancellation of his account through the DPO e-mail and/or at any time, delete his account himself, through the website, safeguarding the necessary performance of the obligations previously established with the website.
When the User deletes his account on the website, his registration data will be kept within the civil procedural deadlines for the regular exercise of the right.

8. Can minors buy at PetEcor?

9. Changes to this Privacy Policy
PetEco no ar reserves the right to change the privacy policy at any time, with prior notice or acceptance remaining expendable. The constant verification of this Privacy Policy is recommended, and any doubts can be solved by emailing the DPO.
It is recommended that you observe and read this Policy whenever there is a new change. At the end of this policy, we inform you of the date of the last revision.
The information contained in this Privacy Policy complies with the current legislation of the Federative Republic of Brazil, with special attention to Law No. .)

LEGAL BASIS The legal bases are provided for in art. 7 and 11 of the LGPD, and are the hypotheses that authorize the processing of data.
CONSENT It is a free, informed and unequivocal manifestation by the user authorizing the processing of his data for a certain purpose.
PERSONAL DATA This is data from an identified or identifiable natural person.
COMMON PERSONAL DATA This is data that is not classified as sensitive or of children and adolescents. For example: name, CPF, email, etc.
SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATA Personal data with information considered more sensitive. They are: racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, union affiliation or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data referring to health or sex life, genetic or biometric data.
PERSONAL DATA OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Personal data of minors under 18 years of age.

AUTOMATED DECISION Decision taken on the employee that has no human participation.
PERSONAL DATA PERSON Person responsible for communicating personal data with the user and the ANPD.
PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA Any operation with personal data. Includes collection, sharing, storage, etc.
PERSONAL DATA CONTROLLER One who is responsible for deciding on the treatment of legal bases between treatment agents, and who is responsible for indicating the legal bases.
PERSONAL DATA OPERATOR One who processes personal data according to what is requested by the controller among treatment agents

Wholesale Sales

We currently work with some chains of Stores that sell our products to end consumers in Physical Stores, our online sale is only through our official website. 

Métodos de Pagamento

Payment methods

- Credit / Debit Cards, Tickets and pix

Peteco Clothing

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© 2020 by PetEco Apparel. 
CNPJ: 2442.1393/0001-75

Elizeu de Souza Pinto Street, No. 123 - Socorro/SP   |
Tel: (19) 99736-8762

we deliver  for all of Latin America


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Accepted payment methods

meios de pagamento, paypal, mastercard, pagueseguro.
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